We offer a wide variety of personalized services
The death of a loved one is the most stressful event in anyone's life, and yet decisions still need to be made. The manner of service and the merchandise must be selected. With guidance and compassion we are able to offer you some peace of mind in an emotional and trying time, while handling all the technical details of the funeral.
Whether your wishes are for a traditional funeral with military honors, or a simple committal service, our family owned funeral home offers you the same care and understanding.
Product selections vary according to your individual taste and your affordability. Our selections offer something for every preference.
We offer:
The traditional funeral service is what most families choose when selecting their funeral arrangements. It normally includes a visitation with family and friends at the funeral home. The funeral usually takes place the next morning beginning at the funeral home followed by a church service then burial at a cemetery of your choice. Services can also be conducted at the funeral home where we can arrange for clergy to come to our facility and say a few words or preach a sermon.
A Memorial Service is a service without a visitation and the remains of your loved one are not present at the time of the service. It is a time for family and friends to commemorate their loved one with comfort of each other. Our staff will provide our professional service, use of the funeral home, funeral professionals present at the church of your choice and all transportation needed for your family.
A Graveside Service is a way for families and friends to pay their last respects to their loved one without the formalities involved with a Traditional Funeral Service. Normally, families and friends will gather at the grave site for a brief ceremony. Clergy can be hired to officiate or the Funeral Professionals at our establishment can provide a few prayers taken from the Christian Book for Funerals.
Immediate Burial is when burial occurs shortly after death. No viewing or visitation is involved, so no embalming is necessary. A memorial service or graveside can be selected accompanying an immediate burial.
To begin the process of Advance Planning Click Here
If you have any questions about preplanning, please call us, or E-mail Us Here